Life Safari in the mountains of Rwanda

24th September 2018

The mountains of Rwanda are considered some of the most amazing in all of Africa and even the world. They are home to the incredible mountain gorillas.

The mountain gorilla population was previously on the verge of extinction. Thanks to the efforts of caring people, that trend is reversing, and with the right support, these amazing creatures will continue to have a chance.

That is why at Africa Odyssey, we are super excited to be partnering with #1 Bestselling inspirational author, and avid Africa adventurer, John Strelecky, to help give mountain gorillas a chance at life.

Here’s how you can help.

For the next seven days. From October 1st to October 8th, you can get an amazingly powerful story set in Africa, and all the proceeds from your purchase will be donated to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. This organisation has been making a difference for over many years for gorillas in Rwanda and is recognised around the world for their amazing reputation and contribution. You may remember them from the Ellen Degeneres show.

The book you’ll be getting is called Life Safari. (Full description below)

It has spent over 50 weeks on bestseller lists around the world and has gotten great reviews from fans. It’s less than ten dollars and trust me, the inspiring story will stay with you for a long, long time.

Our goal is to raise $10,000 in seven days to preserve the mountain gorillas. We can do it with your help. John has agreed to MATCH the first $1,000 with his own money if in our first day of announcing this, we raise $2,000 toward the goal. So please, get your copy of Life Safari today, and help give mountain gorillas a chance at life for a very long time.

Get your copy through this website and even more money gets donated.

Or you can also get your copy through Amazon