The Royal Honeymoon Destination Predictions

11th May 2018

So here at Odyssey Travels we have narrowed down the royal honeymoon options to, of course, Africa. Where would it be other than Africa? Many a poignant moment has been spent by the royals in this wild, romantic and beautiful continent that we (clearly) absolutely love. As many “The Crown” fans will know (as well as some more generally clued up people out there), Queen Elizabeth heard of her father’s death whilst staying at Kenya’s Treetops Hotel – she entered as a princess, and left a queen.  In February, 66 years ago this year we can only think what a magical experience in the wilderness this must have been for Liz and Phil before it was sadly cut short. A pivotal moment none the less, and a moment which was spent in the African wilderness.

Africa has remained in the hearts of the following generations as Will and Kate spent their honeymoon on the luxurious and completely exclusive North Island, Seychelles. You can’t get much more of a remote beach getaway than that… We are not sure that Harry and Meghan will want to follow their footsteps on pure relaxation luxury. Harry, an army man, is all about the adventure, and Meghan is known to absolutely love the more intrepid travels. From these suspicions, we have compiled a list of well-informed predictions…

1. Namibia – an eerie and captivating land; isolated, romantic and completely wild, it seems this is the top of the list for this venturesome couple. There has been talk of them staying at Wilderness Safari’s beautiful and remote Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp. Here, unlike other locations in Namibia, you have the luxury of outstanding and truly unique African wildlife but also complete desert seclusion. Where better than this beautiful private reserve for the young royals to escape to?

2. Rwanda –  A beautiful, luscious country with arguably the best gorilla trekking in the world – the conscientious couple seem as though they could be the type to punch for a honeymoon experience which not only gives them a completely unforgettable start to married life, but one which also promotes the conservation of one of the most endangered species on the planet. It seems fitting somewhat for them to go to the polar opposite end of the spectrum to their glossy contemporaries, Kate and Will. Hollywood stars have been known to have these unbelievable Mountain Gorillas close to their hearts too, as Leonardo de Caprio often visits the Volcanoes National Park, and also produced a film promoting their conservation “Virunga” (Congo). It seems this is a real possibility for our humanitarian Meghan and Harry. Wilderness properties seem a theme here, and you can’t get much better than a stay at the new Bisate…

3. Thanda Island, Tanzania Our choice number three, which can be really nicely combined with a Gorilla Trek in Rwanda, is a stay at this exclusive and private island off the coast of Tanzania. Mnemba Island is one of our favourites, but always in the limelight, although the &beyond lodge exclusively owns the island, it may not be quite private enough for Harry and Meghan. Thanda however enjoys exclusive use for one party for all of its facilities… And at £10,000 a night, so it should!

4. Mombo Camp, Botswana – Our last wildcard prediction… Completely exclusive and in an extraordinarily good wildlife area, it is the crème de la crème of African safari camps. You really can’t get much better than this!

So at the top of our list Namibia is our number 1 prediction. Coming in closely in second is Rwanda, then third if they choose to follow in the footsteps of Will and Kate, the Thanda Private Island experience, and fourth, well Harry is notoriously unpredictable, but maybe the finest safari camp in Africa may be up their street? Only time will tell, but we bet you the royals will choose one of the above… Stay tuned!!